Data Fintech, if you’ve had your eye on our online magazine, you’ve definitely heard of them more than a couple of times! Why have they been featured so often? It’s because they have their eyes on their prize, people have recognised the value of the service they offer, and they’re making enormous strides!
Here’s one of the largest steps they’ve taken so far, they ‘re hiring 10 more employees, both statisticians and business analysts! The recruitment campaign is still ongoing, and if you want to be one of these lucky 10 that will get to work for such a cool and impactful company, you’ll have to prove your worth.
How will you prove that you’re a must-have employee? Well, they’re organising a Technical Test Session on Saturday December 3rd, all you have to do is send your resume to, and they’ll let you know if you’ve been selected to take part in the session.
Best of luck to you all! And remember that our other members have job openings as well, click here to see more of them.