Doing something for someone else is the best thing you can for your own happiness, and donating to charity is a great way to make an impact, making you feel like you’ve done some good! A lot of things come into the equation though, and often unexpected expenses and the need to save for a rainy day stop us from giving our money to a good cause. However, there’s a way you can do some good without spending a shilling, or more than a minute of your time for that matter!
There’s an asset that some of us are sitting on, that is value to somebody! That asset would be… *drum roll*… OUR TWITTER FOLLOWERS!
There’s a super cool campaign going on started by Cafédirect Producers’ Foundation – a young ambitious charity working with farmers in Africa and Latin America, to develop innovative solutions to the daily challenges they face – which aims at empowering people to donate to charity for free through the #OneBigTweet.
The idea is simple. Cafédirect Producers’ Foundation want to grow a tweet so big it can auctioned for charity. Hence #OneBigTweet. By signing up, you’re allowing them to auto-retweet their #OneBigTweet from your account for one time only.
It takes three clicks:
Clink on the
Click ‘Donate my twitter followers’
Click ‘Authorise’
And it’s done! You can then share this with friends.
As well as donating your own tweet, there’s a nifty little feature where fans can ‘badger’ celebs. The more celebs on board, the more followers they’ll reach, which increases the tweet’s value!
Cafédirect wants to use a different method of raising money for charity, whereby people don’t have to spend any money, instead they donate their twitter followers, which allows the fundraisers to reach their followers; which would be like passing on a message; so the more tweets donated, the more the value of the tweet increases, and the more money will be given away to a good cause!
The Nairobi Garage has donated its Twitter followers, and it only took a minute. What’s your excuse?