Developers are increasingly churning out apps and there is nearly an app for every task or problem you could think of. In as much as this is a good thing for development of tech especially in growing economies in Africa, it poses another challenge-how can your app stand out?
It’s one thing to make an app and its to get people to choose yours over that of a second developer. This is compounded by the fact that things are advancing quickly and if one is not careful they may spend time making an app only to realize it is several versions behind another.
So how do you solve this as a developer? Intel came up with the developer meet up, a forum where like-minded developers and innovators discuss and identify new areas of interest in development of apps.
The forum also allows developers to sharpen their skills in ensuring they get their apps performing at optimum levels.
This goes a long way in ensuring developers get the most out of their time and apps and also make a tidy sum from them.
Intel’s developer meetup forum this month will be held at iHub along Ngong Road on the 18th of March from 4 pm to 7 pm.
Spaces for developers are limited to 30 to ensure fruitful networking and knowledge sharing. Definitely it’s not an event a developer would want to miss.
Apply for it here!