Nairobi Garage was founded on the basis of sharing space and building a strong sense of community. We have seen growth ever since we opened shop in 2011 and there’s nothing more delightful than welcoming a new company to the space.
We are excited to welcome Think Place this month. The Australian company was founded 10 years ago to offer design and innovation consultancy.
The company has also been working with the Australian government on complex social and public challenges. Having been working with NGO’s in Uganda they were requested to assist in enabling these companies develop internal innovation capability and soon found out about Nairobi Garage.
Think place is currently working with the Kenyan government to restructure the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), which has for long been a sleeping giant.
Being a mandatory health scheme for the formal sector and optional for the informal sector, the government through Think Place is hoping to re-design and improve it’s uptake in the informal sector.
Think Place are so far happy with the Nairobi Garage space and are impressed at the design not forgetting the energy, flexibility and the inspiring community resident here according to Ledia Andrawes the Programs Director.
We certainly are happy to have Think Place join us and wish them all the best as they change the world one design at a time!
Keep checking in with us for more amazing companies making Nairobi Garage home.