Volunteers have for long provided much needed assistance in handling tasks. The issue, however, has been the lack of specific skill sets that organizations are looking for.
This is where Moving Worlds, which facilitates skill based volunteering, comes in.
Moving worlds curates professionals and experts into a database which potential host organizations can access and identify experts who fit their needs. It has been found to be suitable for experts who may want to build their skill sets while giving back.
These professionals may also be visiting a particular country but may not have enough time to stay and apply for fellowships.
According to Nafessa Kassim, the Director of Global Engagements, Moving Worlds has volunteer experts who majorly range from 6-8 years in experience and are in business strategy among other professions. The experts are however notified that expectations of host organizations may vary and versatility is crucial.
The process for experts is fairly simple and includes uploading of their resumes for and then stating what their skill set is. They also have the option of paying $125 for lifetime membership at Moving Worlds. This gives them lifetime access and matching to host organizations.
For host organizations things are even simpler with selection of the expert being the major task. Host organizations are however expected to ensure that the expert understands the countries cultural norms to avoid conflict. This is done during the selection phase where host organizations can contact the experts directly to ensure they reach an understanding.
This also means that if the expert wants to stay for a shorter time than your project requires, you can negotiate with them.
Experts will also be expected to ensure they understand immigration and/or working laws of the host organizations country before-hand. Further, if they feel unhappy at the host organization, they are free to leave and return home.
Nafessa however clarified that just 2 experts have returned home meaning the expert you select will most likely love it at your organization.
Moving Worlds has so far registered more than 2000 experts and with growing interest, it means your organization will have an endless pool of experts to actualize your projects.
Nafessa Kassim
Director of Global Engagements
+1(760) 985 6889