As an entrepreneur or developer, creating a website that’s user friendly is key. Most visitors to your website or app will either go on to convert, buy, sign up, download or drop out before doing so owing to how tailored the interface is.
Realizing this, Google’s UX team is organizing the 2015 Sub-Saharan Africa UX masterclass in Nairobi, Lagos and Capetown. This will be conducted in two sessions and is designed to help you understand your target market and customize your website or application suitably.
The first day of the masterclass will focus on new product teams with regards to;
-Understanding your users
-Crystallizing your product vision
-Idea generation and paper prototyping
-Planning your next steps from designs to launch
The second day of the event will be for post launch product teams. The areas to be covered are designed to enable them effectively use UX in their next product launch. This including;
-Understanding users
-Identifying improvements for your product
-Iterating on designs
-Planning your next steps; launching improvements and measuring success.
The events will run from April 27th -28th in Nairobi, May 1st and 2nd in Lagos and Capetown on May 5th and 6th.
The masterclass is definitely a great opportunity to learn how to take your next project to the next level. Deadline for application is 4th April, 2015.
In case of any questions get in touch with or simply apply here.