We get it, being a busy entrepreneur can be tough. Trying to remember everything with all the distractions that we have today is even more of a mission than it needs to be. Post-its and paper to-do lists work fine for some, but for those constantly on the move have the threat of losing those little pieces of paper. Luckily, technology is on our side to help us overcome our forgetful moments. Smart phones and tablets now have amazing apps to help you keep on top of your to-do lists!
Whether you have an Android, iPhone or iPad – here are just some of the amazing apps of 2017 out there that will help you remember the important things that you need to do daily.
When you look for a note-taking app – Evernote is one of those sites that always pops up on top of the rest. This app will take you to the top of the note-taking game. This powerful tool not only takes notes but gives you’re the option of organising them into notebooks. All free users also get 60MB of space for uploading their files to a safe space in the cloud.
Evernote has even more features which include clipping web pages and images, as well as, searching for text inside of images and you can use it as a collaborative tool with your colleagues – so everyone is kept up to date on what must be done and who must do what.
If you are looking for a simple way to keep notes, then Simplenote is the perfect app for you. It’s clean and minimal interface is built for speed and efficiency – great for every busy entrepreneur! You can take as many notes as you like and keep them all organised in a simple and basic structure using things like #tags.
Even though Simplenote is a simplistic way of keeping your notes all in one place, it still gives you the option to collaborate with others, as well as keeping previous versions of your notes to see what changes were made in the past.
If you are more of a visual person, then Google Keep is here to help you. Its card-based notes are the best way for people who like to all their ideas, lists, images and audio clips all in one place. You can use a colour coded system and add other characteristics, so it is easier to find the things you are looking for. Just like the other apps discussed in this article, Google Keep allows for collaboration and is automatically synced across all platforms.
Another amazing feature found in this app is the ability to set up time-based or location-based reminders so that it is easier for you to remember to do something at the specific time or place. You can also use the app’s voice memo feature to record yourself a message when you are too busy to type a reminder. Every busy entrepreneur’s dream come true!
If you are a Microsoft Fan and enjoy using their office apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, then OneNote is an app you need to try today! Not only is it integrated with the other Microsoft apps but you can type, write and draw using the free form pen. You also have the ability to organise your notes using the pinning tool to make it easy to find what you are looking for later.
Collaboration with others is made easy and you will be able to access your most updated notes on OneNote from any device. One of the most unique and amazing features of this app is the ability to capture an image of a slideshow presentation with built-in audio recording so everything you need will be in one place.
Just like Google Keep, Notebook is for the person who likes to have a visual representation of all their notes and lists. Notebook has amazing features that will allow you to organise your notes into books, reorder them, copy them, group them together and still allow them all to be easily read. Collaboration and syncing are easy, as it keeps all the platforms up to date once a change has been made. So, whether you need to create a checklist or need a place to jot down your latest blog (including images) then Zoho’s Notebook is the app for you!
Dropbox is a favourite when it comes to cloud storage, but did you know about Dropbox Paper? This note-taking app acts as a flexible workspace designed to prevent distraction when people are working together. This app was built with collaboration in mind allowing users to chat to each other in real time while making changes to any document.
Don’t let their beautiful simplistic design fool you – this app was designed for busy entrepreneurs! It has a lot of advanced features for you to try once you are comfortable with it. Creating and editing documents, keeping an eye on team activity in one easy list, prioritise your documents and so much more!
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