Someone once said life’s never going to give it to you on a silver platter; you got to take what’s yours.
At Nairobi Garage, we believe entrepreneurs are a special breed, a chosen people, heroes who conquer challenges and change the world! In keeping with our belief, we never hesitate to give you the latest hot opportunities to start and ultimately live your entrepreneurship dream.
One such opportunity is upon us! The Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) is finally recruiting in Kenya. MEST which is based in Ghana has also been recruiting in Nigeria before its decision to dive into the Kenyan tech scene.
Established in Ghana in 2008, MEST offers aspiring African entrepreneurs a fully sponsored twelve month, intensive full-time program.
Sourced from top graduates in Ghana, Nigeria and now Kenya, 30 of these Entrepreneurs-In-Training (EITs) are selected each year and receive comprehensive training across the spectrum of skills required to build successful tech businesses, including computer programming, software development, product management, finance, marketing, sales and leadership best practices.
In the programme which officially kicks off in August, MEST offers free meals, housing, a monthly stipend and a laptop to all successful applicants.
In participating in this program students are mentored and get a chance to secure seed funding for their startups, they also get to build concrete networks through MEST.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Kenyan techies and entrepreneurs that one shouldn’t pass-up.
Applications are currently on-going until June 1st when there will an in-person aptitude test conducted by MEST right here at Nairobi Garage.
Apply here.
Best of luck!