6 Ways to Plan Your Business for the Future of Work
As the workplace of the 20th Century finally fully exits the marketplace, the impact of an algorithmic based economy can be felt.
Emerging technologies like AI and machine learning are already transforming how we work, communicate and even network at the workplace and probably this will not stop any time soon.
Apart from that, today’s workplace and that of the future has HR Departments having one major headache; how they can fit in about four generations in one workforce even as the generations X and Y and baby boomers make their way into the workforce.
According to studies, Baby boomers, are perceived to often be process driven and focused on independent working. In comparison, to millennial’s who are often innovation driven and group motivated, with an interest in socializing online with colleagues.
These are just trends on the future of work that point to one idea that to survive the workforce of the future that is estimated to reach about 3.5 billion people by 2030, despite the generation you are in, the workforce will be led by knowledge workers who are well skilled with disruptive technologies
It’s therefore important for company executives and business owners to begin preparing themselves and their employees for the future now.
Companies should now create resilient work forces in this new environment and put together the strategies and solutions for the digital workforce of the future. Here are a few tips that can help you start off:
Embracing the Freelance (Gig) Economy
Let’s face it, full-time employment is quickly evolving into freelance, contract, or gig work – and this shift is driving us to think more about the future of work.
Thanks to the different generations we have at the workplace. Future employees looking for variety and flexibility in their careers appreciate the opportunities of the gig economy, and employers must embrace it, too.
Successfully relying on both freelancers and in-house employees will require a strong company culture, the free flow of information and expectations, and a new approach to compensation. Also, as an employer, you will now be required to reward your employees, gig or otherwise, based on their contribution rather than their position. Also, outsourcing will be big
Embracing flexibility at the workplace
Let’s face it, most organizations do not use up to 40% of the office space they pay for. By now, you already know the myriad advantages that come with working from a coworking space and how the packages offered by coworking spaces can save you money.
Coworking spaces are on the rise and more and more corporates are also moving to coworking. Coworking spaces like Nairobi Garage give you a chance to tap into networks that you might not have found in your four walled cubicle somewhere in CBD. If you want to show youre customers and investors you’re aligned with the future of work trends and philosophy – joining a coworking space is a good move.
They also allow you to pay for the space that you need and you can always downsize or upgrade as your company grows. In fact with our four locations, working from a space like Nairobi Garage will allow your employees the flexibility of working from a place best convenient to them. Plus, with 24/7 accessibility, you’ll be able to offer them time to work and finish on the projects they are working when it works for them.
Promoting corporate wellness
Getting your employees to stay fit will also be equally important. Your employees wellness should be on top your agenda as it helps them not only feel appreciated but even more productive. You can help get your employees into wellness programs at a subsidized cost.
Another big area will be on the wearable market that is about to hit a high this decade. In fact, studies show that by 2020, more than 75 million wearables will permeate the workplace. You can take advantage of this growing trend and incentive your workforce to lead healthier lives both in and out of the office. However they need to be more cautious to data privacy policies on wearable before adopting them
Ensuring your workforce is conversant with Data privacy policies
Most of the work that we do in the coming few years will be online and probably if not all most of the companies will have adopted Cloud technology.
The workplace of the future might be digitized. As the world gets more digitized online crimes such data piracy and data breaches will also be on the rise. It is important that you put data policy strategies in place and ensure that your employees are also conversant with these policies.
These can be achieved through setting up workshops or getting your employees to attend sessions where experts in the cyber security field get to equip with the knowledge around staying safe online. Nairobi Garage normally hosts a number of workshops and masterclasses on such areas and maybe getting your employees to sign up for these workshops would be a great starting point.
Getting your workforce ready for the digital revolution
Statistics have gone to show that most of the jobs we have today might not be there in the coming five to ten years, thanks to emerging technologies like AI and Machine Learning in fact a study by the World Economic Forum finds that while 75 million jobs could be displaced by 2022 . Yes two years from now.
These jobs will include entirely new roles, as well as roles evolved from existing ones. It is important that businesses get their workforce ready to tap into these new opportunities. It’s a good idea to train your workforce to think of AI not only as a tool to use, but in some cases, as a coworker of sorts with some key strengths as well as some noteworthy weaknesses.
Adopting high-tech training methods.
The future of work will require our workforce to be highly trained in digital skills – requiring a huge amount of training. One of the best ways to achieve this is through gamification. Gamifying training could help better engage, teach and retain your employees. Gamification can make the learning process easier and faster for your employees, thus making it easier for you to roll out new systems, processes and initiatives.
Augmented reality could also allow new hires develop experiential knowledge without actually being on the job or even being in the same place as the trainer. This capability is essential as the workforce becomes more remote and temporary. In addition, some envision VR being helpful when training employees to handle hazardous situations.
One of the ways Nairobi Garage is embracing the new reality and embracing the future of work, is by offering virtual tours – carried out by our team and for the benefit of potential new members who want to check out the office from the comfort of their own home before deciding.