268 results found for: book a tour

#AfterOfficeHours: Right strategies that can position you for business success


Kaspersky announces global call for tech startups


New Year’s Resolution: Start Coworking

Just because you work for yourself, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to work by yourself.  Being an entrepreneur can be very stressful times, and sometimes all you need to someone to talk to clear any confusions you may be having.  Coworking provides opportunities for professionals to observe and learn from others who are going through or have gone through similar situations.

Technology has made it easier for entrepreneurs to take their tools with them where ever they go, and this makes it possible for them to work with like-minded passionate individuals from virtually anywhere.  If you have played with the idea of moving your one-man office into a coworking atmosphere, have a look at these benefits to help your big decision.

How to be innovative in your business this 2018

The new year is here with us and as an entrepreneur you certainly want to play your cards different. Innovation is an aspect that must be used on a daily basis when it comes to companies finding ways to crash their competitors in the ever so competitive business world. These few tricks should help you be on top of your game this year.

Smart meters: New digital frontier for electricity distribution companies

A lack of accurate and timely data on electricity use has caused consumers’ uproar on the over-charged bills and has prevented them from monitoring, managing and/or reducing their power consumption.

Today, utilities are thus moving to smart meters and grids as part of long-range plans to ensure a reliable energy supply, incorporate distributed generation resources, develop innovative storage solutions, reduce the need to build new power plants and enable customers to have more control over their power use.

The African Tech Startups Funding Report 2017 is out!

The Disrupt Africa African Tech Startups Funding Report 2017 was released today and the results are amazing! Over the course of 2017 investment into African tech startups hit the highest levels since records began, with 159 startups raising in excess of US$195 million.

What’s more, the total funding of African tech ventures grew by 51% compared to 2016, while the number of funded startups also increased by 8.9%. We dug further into the nitty gritty of the report to bring you the inside scoop.

Want to be successful in business? It’s all about your mindset


Why Coworking will help your body and business thrive

We all want to be successful but to do so you need to be alive and healthy…right? It’s hard to bring your A-game when your body, mind or soul simply can’t go any further. Don’t worry, it’s happened to all of us – you are not alone. This is where coworking comes in to save the day. Coworking isn’t just good for your business. It will help your body, mind and soul get back on track as well. How do those super-successful entrepreneurs always seem so motivated and just plain invincible? It’s simple, they invest in their well-being. Here’s how coworking will help you both your body and your business thrive.

International Development Design Summits – Participants applications now open!

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) D-Lab will be supporting three summits this year and applications are now open! International Development Design Summits Kenya is July 8 – 22nd and will bring together 36 participants from all over the world to co-create innovative, viable financial products and services that expand access in the low-income space. Find out how to apply.

Startups that are innovating the newsroom – Startups for News Report

To this day, many newsrooms are unable to step into the future as they are stuck in the news cycle and struggling with shrinking resources. This is where Startups for News steps in. Their competition helps to identify the young startups that will help news organisations step into the future.

We dig into their latest report to review the current state of journalism and which up-and-coming startups will pave the way for newsrooms in 2018.

Meet the new members of the Nairobi Garage Family (Janaury 2018)

Starting your own business can be a daunting task – starting by yourself can make it even harder.  That’s why coworking works so well in the entrepreneurial world.  By networking and learning from others with similar interests, you will be able to learn and grow to make your dreams a reality. Here’s just some of the new members we are welcoming to the Nairobi Garage family this month.

Alumni Member Branch raises Sh7bn for loans
