Unfortunately, the world is stricken by all sorts of unfortunate happenings. A lot of issues are rooted in poverty, and alleviating poverty is often the first step in letting solutions to other global issues fall into place. Now this is no easy matter, and we can’ t pretend that it is, but there are methods that have been invented that can drive poverty back one step at a time. For those people with the drive to implement these ways where they’re gravely needed, there’s funding out there that can come their way thanks to the D-Prize competition!
D-Prize is for aspiring entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world, of any age, and of any background. You must be an ambitious leader ready to grow your company/NGO for years to come. As long as you are piloting a new distribution-focused initiative, whether you’re a new organization or not, D-Prize is who you should refer yourself to! They’re up for offering high-risk capital for those who need it, which is not a common sight, so don’t miss this opportunity to fulfill your dreams of making the world a better place.
Go ahead, check out their website, see which global challenge related to poverty you’d like to address (whether it’s related to agriculture or the education of young girls), and apply! The early deadline has already passed, but the regular deadline hasn’t! You have until December 29th to enter the competition.
Winners will receive up to $20,000, mentorship, and other sorts of support. Best of luck, and remember that there are other funding opportunities out there that we’ve advertised, check them out here.