Hacks/Hackers Nairobi, October: “Public Service Journalism and Tech”
October 25, 2018 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Mark your calendars, this month’s edition of HHNBO will be held on the 25th of October 2018. This month our member Code for Africa will be talking “Public Service Journalism and Tech”. They will be exploring the role that civic tech has on Public Service Journalism.
Public Service Journalism is typically referred to reporting that contributes to or frames debate about issues of common concern. It seeks to provide citizens with the information needed to form reasoned opinions on matters of shared interest. This form of reporting is viewed by journalists as a crucial pillar of democratic self-governance.
What open source civic tech platforms exist in our tech spaces. How can they be used to further public service journalism in Kenya?
There will be 4 civic tech initiatives that will present their platforms, highlighting why they were created, what role they now play in society and how they see the journalists using them. We will be looking forward to understanding the role that civic tech can play in journalism and how journalism can and should be invested in public service.
Know of an initiative that should be there? Let us know! Have you used any digital technology to put together awesome journalistic content?
Come and share with us! We will have a short session during the forum where you will have five minutes to share with the community what you are working/have worked on. Want to take part? Let us know.
Looking forward to seeing you all there. Remember you can RSVP here.